Business Process Management (BPM) and Reporting

Stone & Associates also recommend the following two outstanding software packages to further enhance the business function:

Stone & Associates

Pioneering the development of business process automation solutions with Orbis:

Founded in 1997, more than 4000 customers worldwide already use Orbis products, ranging from diverse global organisations to small local enterprises. Such clients including Rolls Royce, Jaguar, BUPA, BP & Lloyds TSB.  TaskCentre® v4 is a powerful suite for Business Process Management (BPM) technologies that enables organisations to realise their corporate vision. With organisations now looking to connect & automate business processes, they are seeking technology that will transform all of their distinct applications into a single, event-driven, service-oriented management solution. You can create automated procedures for a very wide range of business processes.

Reports such as Crystal Reports (see below) can also be run & distributed by email automatically. There are specific links to Sage   &  Access accounts, but it will link to most accounts and business packages. This is just one very small example of how Orbis Software can help your business.

Stone & Associates

World standard reporting and business intelligence applications from Crystal reports:

SAP Crystal Reports is a popular Windows-based report writer that allows the user to create reports from a variety of data sources with a minimum of written code. Crystal Reports can access data from most widely-used databases and can integrate data from multiple databases within one report using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC ).

Access Accounts and many other accounts programs use SAP Crystal Reports to produce a comprehensive selection of management reports, which can be tailored and enhanced to suit every individual business requirement. Similarly, documents such as invoices, statements and remittance advices can be customised to compliment the company’s existing stationery and image.

SAP Crystal Reports is also a very powerful tool that goes far beyond the simple reporting as summarised above.

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020 8866 8631
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